All clothing by Tia Adeola
If fashion is, at its core, about the image we want to present to the world, it offers us the opportunity to be not only ourselves, but also to test out a range of other identities. In our latest digital exclusive fashion editorial, the model and movement artist Glorietta Reantaso transforms herself with the help of an all-AAPI team led by photography Fujio Emura and stylist Rachael Wang. From the sleek tailoring of an Alexander McQueen overcoat to the joyful feathers of Tia Adeola’s baby blue skirt, the story is a celebration of self-expression and a reminder that we are always more than we appear.
As a nonprofit arts and culture publication dedicated to educating, inspiring, and uplifting creatives, Cero Magazine depends on your donations to create stories like these. Please support our work here.

All clothing by Private Policy. Vintage boots by Prada.

All clothing by Alexander McQueen

Dress by Kwaidan Editions

All clothing by Elena Velez

All clothing by Kwaidan Editions

All clothing by Tia Adeola
As a nonprofit arts and culture publication dedicated to educating, inspiring, and uplifting creatives, Cero Magazine depends on your donations to create stories like these. Please support our work here.